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Hey,Here is a little about me.

I'm Nina, Mum to two sets of twins. For a long time I have been trying to chase someone else's dream life and then wondering why i never really felt like I was fulfilled. 

I've spent most of my kids childhood so far on autopilot Or sometimes even worse - anxious and depressed. 

Now though I have found my own dream. I am working on my own passions and I want to help you to do the same. 


Let's ditch the search for the perfect life and start embracing the imperfectly chaotic moments so we can live a more fulfilled life.

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My Story

When I became pregnant with our first set of twins after 5 years of infertility I spent the pregnancy planning what kind of mum I was going to be. 

I was going to be that mum who used cloth nappies, I was going to be the best mum,  pinterest perfect children and an instaworthy home. The perfect Mother. The perfect wife. 

But what even is that?


Guess what? 

When they arrived via planned un wanted cesarian section everything changed. I felt like I had failed at the first block. 


Then they wouldn't sleep and I like neeeeeed my sleep! There were times when we were that tired i was so angry that these little people wouldn't sleep. I was so tired I'd ring my mum who would arrive to help do the night feeds in her pjs ( She only lives around the corner) 


PND set in. But I didn't realise until later on when it was left untreated and ended up just making me feel worse and worse. 

It was when the biggest twins were around 3 that my mental health blew up. I ended up having a panic attack and consequently a breakdown on Christmas day non the less! 


I  got a little better, well, able to cope with a little more of life anyway through several different treatments, and interventions. 


But I was living on auto pilot, in fact sometimes worse than that I would be so anxious and depressed I would often feel like running away. 


Its so overwhelming 

I felt overwhelmed at being a mum to twins. The constant picking up, feeding, washing. It feels relentless doesn't it? 


It really doesn't have to feel like that. 


Motherhood doesn't have to feel like a constant drag. It doesn't have to feel like a constant cycle that you cant get off. 


And we certainly shouldn't feel like we are in auto pilot. 


Lovely Friend our kids grow up so quick and while this statement used to scare the hell out of me, now, I get it. They do grow up quickly but by clearing the brain fog. By getting clear on how we go into motherhood we can live more in the moment with our children and live a life with more passion and intent. 


We can FInd Calm in the chaos of motherhood and live more fulfilled.

When I suffered a life threatening pregnancy complication with our second set of twins I promised someone up there (Not That I'm particularly  religious) that I would be better at life, I would live a better life and give my family a better me! 


So since then I have been trying to find a way to help others, give my family the best life and live my very best life too. It was only during some down time during the pandemic that I finally found something that ignited that passion and made me realise my mission.


So now I'm using my passion to help others to help mums like you, like I was, to unravel the overwhelm, to create a lifelong toolkit that will help them take away some of that chaos, get productive, have a positive mindset and ditch the guilt of taking care of ourselves for once. 




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