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Welcome to the..


Simplified           Mum Life 

Simplify Mum Life, Gain Clarity,  Find Calm in the CHAOS and live your best #mumlife.

Community for me is life. 

They say it takes a village to raise a child but it takes a community to raise a mum.

So here is your community mama!

In our friendly, non-judgmental village, we delve into the tools and skills that I have gained, used and learnt throughout my life to become more organised, to get sh*t done and to live a simpler life that is more fulfilled.

As a mum with more kids than hands, I have been stuck and overwhelmed not knowing which way to turn.

Now It's my passion to hold your hand through your journey too.

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Community, Support, Accountability
Parenting support, Mindest & Selfcare

Parenting, Productivity, Training  Organisation, Live Group Mentoring, Courses, Templates, Tools, Guest Experts & Next step training and or signposting 

£12.50 Per Month £125 Per year

 Founder Price This is the only price you pay for lifetime membership in the village. Only 25 Spots available at this price 


Price as of January 2024 £25 Per Month £250 Per Year

Is this you?

Fed up with feeling constantly drowned by the Motherhood load.


Know there is more to life than where you are but stuck in overwhelm.​

Constantly looking for the answer on social media but getting caught up in the instaperfect lifestyle.

Ready to live a life that is more fulfilled with passion & purpose 


Well this is for you.

The village is that support system you have been lacking so far in your motherhood journey. 

It's those friends in your back pocket. 

It's your permission slip to stop the mum-guilt and create a fulfilled life for your whole family. Including you!



The village is completely off social media. 

While I love social media and live on Instagram Social media is a huge distraction. Just take a look at your screen time I bet one of your social media apps is right up there in its time used!

So this membership is on a software called circle, don't worry all links to the software and apps will be in your welcome email.

"A true friend accepts who you are but also helps you  become who you should` be"

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Something I can still struggle with is accountability and consistency.

Which is why memberships have become my go-to. 

I have a couple of memberships that I am a part of and find so much benefit in being a part of that small community vibe. Not only does it keep me accountable for my actions but its something that makes you a part of something bigger.


Thats Why I created the Chaotic Mum Village. 

I wanted you to feel that sense of belonging and have that place to come and be accountable. 

Inside the Simplified Mum Life Village

Rewind & Reset 

Each month we will have a group mentoring session to set your goals for the month ahead, look at how your past month has gone with bespoke mentoring in a group setting. 

When you come together in a group it gives you more opportunities to grow. 

Live Training

Every so often there will be live training that is only available in the village. 

It could be learnings from the past week, a delve into Nina's toolbox of well-being or something that is usually part of her go-at-your-own-pace programs. 

Live training gives you the chance to ask questions and gives you better chance to gain momentum as the energy from the training is transferred.

Garden Fence Chats

Remember the good old days? 

Well, of course, you don't but back in time our grandparents and their parents would have chatted over the garden fence with their neighbours who would take the edge off the constant path sweeping and cleaning.

They would chat with neighbours and offer advice to each other. That is the aim of the garden fence chats. 

There are two you can book onto  each month 

Ask Me Anything

Ask me anything is a thread that you can post on and ask your questions to me or anyone else in the community. 

If you want to ask a more personal question there is also the option to send Nina a private message. 

Coming up in The Village 

May in The Village 


A month of prompts, space to ask questions about journaling, accountability and live co-journaling sessions. We will also look at the different ways you can journal to suit you.

June In The Village


The summer holidays will be soon upon us so it's time to get ready to find calm among the chaos. 

Live sessions for taking control of the chaos this summer and getting back to basics. 

July In The Village


I know what you are thinking, They are not back until the end of August or even the beginning of September. But who wants to spend the summer days of adventure preparing for back to school? We will look at budgets for school supplies, making a bit of extra cash on the side, what equipment do our kids really need and how much uniform do we really need to buy?

We will also have an expert come and talk about preparing our children for the new school year.

August In The Village


As we are deep into the summer holidays we are cutting back on events this month. 

So our focus will be family adventures. However regular accountability and daily DM will still be there if you need it . 

The Village you were missing, the community you didn't know you needed.

Need to know more?


I feel like I am in crisis mode the house is in chaos, and life feels really hard is this for me?

I'm a brand new mum am I in the right place?

Can I stop my subscription at any time?

Do we have to attend every session?

Are the sessions live?

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